Friday, June 8, 2007



So.. since i juz came back from my holiday trip from the beach.. i shall use YELLOW to blog.. seems kinda holiday-ISH.. lolx.. so i went to the beach on tuesday..June the 5th.. with 3 of Anya's friends.. sooo.. altogether there were 7 of us... so on the way there.. we were like.. watching movies.. watched 2 movies on the portable DVD player.. HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL.. which i d already seen.. and had fun making fun of it.. later we watched.. RENT>. <>

okaayy if you dont want to watch it.. just watch this clip.. PLEASE... you ll LOVE THE SONG.. PROMISEE.

so when we reached.. we reached the beach house.. its a nice place.. i did take a FEW pics.. i really have to get a camera like SOON.. blaah.. haih.. no camera is sooo difficult.. esp when you re in a new place.. GOAL.. to get a new camera... ><

Overall i did have fun at the beach.. cept for a few parts.. my bestfriend came to pay me my monthly visit.. so i didnt exactly go into the water.. but i did go cycling.. on a bicycle.. and i ran into a tree!!! so thats why i m typing with middle finger on my left hand.. i LOST TWO FINGERS.. alright.. i only can move my indelx finger a lil.. its bruised pretty bad.. i ran into a PALM TREE.. so sad right.. haih.. but i love cycling.. jie has muscle aches though. i dont..=) <3>

i m getting tired and i do want to watch clips of rent on youtube.. so wait for my next post..hopefully i can type properly!! BLAAAH...

NanaBanana Is Singing Along

PS.. jie is goin to wisconsin tmrw.. have to wake up at FIVE A.M blaaaaaah

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