Monday, December 31, 2007
i was on hiatus for a while
i just returned from Leadville, Colorado which i have to admit was an amazing experience even though it was crazeeee cold.. i think the coldest it got was -12 farenheit which is -24 degrees celcius.. it was THAT cold..
but it was amazing all the same..
i like skiing..
its the cold that i can do without..
but now i think of it..
i did kinda enjoy the cold.. snow..
i wish there was cold snow without the COLD..
its 2.28am on the 1st of January 2008..
i should be in bed..
instead i m blogging..
i have SO much to tell
but i dont know if i will
NanaBanana.. Out..
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
So nyway.. pictures.. lolx.. i didnt get too many halloween pics coz no. 1.. i didnt go trick or treating.. i had to work like the teendult i am..but i got to see al the interesting costumes american kids think of...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
okay.. i know i havent been a good girl and blog lately.. but have been preoccupied with school work and work work..
but i promise.. after i return from GEORGIAAAAAA.. i will give you a freaking LONG post..
thanksgiving or givethanksing.. is this thursday..
and my first thanksgiving will be spent gettin lost in the mountain trails...
i d rather spend my first thanksgivin sittin at a tabl with a GIANT turkey.. oh well..
experience is the thing that counts..
ps.. the gummy bear i m eating tastes like aroma therapy oil...
NanaBanana is going HIking!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
omgawd.. i havent had time to blog.. for real.. so NEWSFLASH
3As and a C..
Just talking about it makes me soo SO mad.. i got a C IN GYM.. how the HELL do you get a C in PE.. my teacher hates me.. i got 87 on the fitness score..and she says its above average.. nicee.. but i get an 82 in the class.. i honestly wanna wring her neck and just ask her WHHYYYYY.. its not like i dont dress out or whatsoever.. i DRESS OUT and i WARM OUT ALL THE TIME.. and she claims i never participate.. ugh.. anyway.. my other results are pretty good.. i m quite pleased with them..
World History - 96% - high A
Algebra II- 94%- Low A
Choral Arts- 98%- high A
P.E- 82%- high C
I know.. a 94 is considered a low A. its so high standard.. so my GPA is 3.5... stupid stupid stupid.. i was aiming for a GPA of 4.0 and i was quite sure i could do it.. but thanks to my GYM teacher who i really love with all my heart.. NOT. i got a 3.5 and i have to make a 99 in health to make an A in gym/P.E.. just so you know the grades average out.
i wouldnt care if it didnt affect my GPA..coz i dont give a care about PE.. not here nyway.. but still the saddest part of it all is it affects my GPA.. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGH.. hate the grading here sometimes.. sux..
and its starting to get cold.. i think the temperature for today is 4*C i dont have a degree icon.. i too lazee to open character map.. nyway.. its sposed to be below freezing tonite.. NOT looking forward to that..
But i have got to go now.. coz i m actually in school posting this when i m sposed to be doing stuff on the French revolution.. but i was working on it the whole period. so i decided to take a short break.. nyway..
i ll post more when i m freeee..
have to work tonite
and have 3 health assignments due..
only god knows why we have assignments for health.. UGH
NaNaBaNaNa has a GPA of 3.5..
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Elena Kon
Birth Date: 9th Match1991
Current Status: Singleeee and Independent.. i Dont need a Man!
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown in the States, lighter brown at home.. however you see it..
Righty or Lefty: Righty! DUH!
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Chinese
Your Fears: being asleep and suddenly feel like i cant breathe.. WORMS.. OR CATERPILLARS.. EW.. gross.. being alone in a BIG DARK PLACE.. did i mention ALONE??
Your Weaknesses: when it comes to homework, im as neat as hell... but i am actually kinda messy and disorganized.. MATH is kinda my weakness.. but i m gonna BEAT IT.. oh my weakness.. DAVID BECKHAM and all those on my hot guy list. >,<
Your Perfect Pizza: Omgawd.. DONT EVEN START.. stringy cheese.. OOOZING with tomato sauce.. PINEAPPLES.. peppers.. like green peppers/red peppers.. MUSHROOMS!!! boy.. i dont wanna go on... oh yea.. AND PIPING HOT FROM THE OVEN
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: FIVE MORE MINUTES
Your Bedtime: 11pm+++
Your Most Missed Memory: Hmm.. Japan and just family time with my family and friends time with my friends and dog time with my puppy wuppy smuppy! >.<
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi Or Coke: COKE.. wait a minute.. theres no vanilla coke in US.. damn..
McDonald's or Burger King: Definitely Burger king..
Single or Group Dates: Single..
Adidas or Nike: ADIDASSSSSS.... but i still like nike..
Cappucino or Coffee: No coffee..
Layer Five: Do You......
Smoke: No...i dont like cigarette smoke.. and the SMELL sticks on your clothes..
Curse: OH YEA.. when i m $%^%^&^ pissed
Have a crush: hmm.. yea?
Think you've been in love: OH YEA.. with david beckham..
Go To School: DURHHH.. thats why i m in the states..
Want to get married: hmm.. no idea
Believe in yourself: HECK YEA BABY!!.. i m ELENA.. hear me ROAAAAAAAAAR!!!
Think you're a health freak: DEPENDS.. right now i m tryin to cut down on meat..
Layer Six: In The Past Month......
Have you...
Drank Alcohol: Hmm.. no?
Gone to the Mall: IM TEMPTED TO SAY NO.... and the answer is .. NO.. no mall in freakin mooresville..
Been on Stage: What are YOU talking about.. Limelight is MY sunlight..
Eaten sushi: NO! have i? dont think so.. ughhh.. im literally having cravings right now..
Dyed your hair: Nope.. i have natural streak of lighter hair in my bangs.. its BAWLING!!
Layer Seven: Have you ever......
Played a Stripping Game: Oo boy.. i preserve my self dignity
Changed who you were to fit in: erm.. i think i m changing right now..
Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: not really.. not right now.. defintely not..
For : me to go BACK.. or my FAMILY to come here.. OR see my jie/friends/doggie woggie smoggie woggiee/david beckham..
Layer Nine: In a Guy/Girl
Best Eye + Best hair colour combination: blue eyes.. brown eyes... david beckham's eyes.....
Short or long hair: depends on your face.. if you can pull it off..
Layer Ten: What were you doing
1 Min ago: eating apple pie and rice krispies
1 Hour ago: WORKING laughing my butt off with Monica..
4.5 Hours ago: working.. i know.. get a life right.. Like THE MONEY TOTALLY <3 it
1 Month Ago: what was a month ago.. september? tryin to fit in at school.. eating stuff frank made for me?
1 Year Ago: eating rendang and nasi lemak every saturday.. and goin to pasar malams and watching chinese soap operas and playing maple and studying for pmr and playing with floss and going to school and crushing on david beckham and never thinking i would come to USA.. and going for tuition and enjoying Miss Pek's class, struggling with math and Loving All my Peeps..
Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I Love: Myself, my familiy, my friends, work.. NOTICE THAT 'SCHOOL' IS NOT ON THIS LIST.. oh and i Heart David Beckham
I Feel: sleepy.. and dreading halloween. im too old to dress up..
I Hate: COLD WEATHER.. OLIVES yuccck..
I Miss: HOHO!! this is EASY.. the Malaysian sun, mommy daddy baby floss jie, soh san friends home food.. damn i could go on and on and on..
I Need: TO TONE UP or get my metabolism to start running faster.. GET A 4.0 GPA IN SCHOOL.. TO eat.. get a hair cut
Layer Twelve : Tag Five people
1. Soh
2. Hillary
3. Jie
4. Xin Hua
5.David Beckham..
Ps. im enjoying myself insertin david beckhams name to annoy everyone readin this.. bet you all were ROLLIN your eyes..=)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Uh huh... UH HUH!!
I got my phonee!!
It is so cool!!
I love it so!!
okay STOP... whoooaaa.. giddy.. ahahaa
anyway.. i did get my phonee.. and its pretty.. and its red.. and its shinyyy and i <3 it =)
i would like to tell my phone no. here.. but for safety reasons.. i d rather not.. whoever wants my phone no (goodness knows for what) just email me.. and ask..=)
I got my phone on friday.. the 19th.. it was a good day. and a VERY long wait..
from the date it was ordered..but at last. i have it.. my precioussss ...
its cool.. cept for the ringtones.. not a wide selection..
and they re kinda lame..
but nyway.
im content..
for now.
Picture # 2 Me and my KRZR again
so much for glam pics.. hahaha.. i m a rookie at picture taking as compared to soh san and kikiwiki.. honestly.. lolx..
other than the excting news about my phone.. hmm nothing much..
cept a football (rugby balll) got thrown from across the gym and hit me SMACK IN THE FACE! [actually it sounded more like THUUMP than smack.. just thought you d like to know]
it hurt so bad..
I started crying in front of everyone.
Imagine smks9's hockey field.
Imagine the ball being thrown from one end to the other.
Imagine it hitting poor elena kon's face and smashing her pink glasses against her eyes.
Imagine Elena Kon holding her face and crying.
Painful isnt it.
And if it didnt hurt so bad i was ready to bodyslam the guy who threw it at me.
But he apologized.
And being the big hearted GREEN UNRIPE Banana I am..
I forgive but i DONT FORGET..
Thats Bananas for you.=)
oh and last saturday.
I had no idea i was sposed to work at 9 in the morn.
I was gonna call home so i woke up and brushed my teeth so that mommy doesnt smell my morn breath over the phone.
While i was brushing my teeth..
Leena knocks on the door and says.
"elena your manager called.. Youre sposed to be at work at 9. its 10''
And i m like OH SHI!TTT!!!
BUt the day went pretty good.. hahaha..
I GOT A $20 TIP!!!! Love the green paper.. a lil bit..
and on sunday.. i served 3 tables.. and i got a comment card that said excellent under the friendly and courteous check box. =) SO GOOD.. hahaha
ELENA KON CALLED THEM THE OTHER DAY.. Sandra was like calm.. and soh was like HYPER.. lolx.. yin yang.. a balance of both.. =)
miss you guys loads.. talked a lil bit.. i m willing to spend a few bux once in a while to talk to you guys. =)
other than that.. school s doing fine..
i ve got some pics to post..
not many but i m too lazee to have to edit this post.. its a pain..
you guys make do with what you have..
and whoever says this blog is dead..
NanaBanana Has A New ComPaNioN! Sangdoo Jr (my old samsungs name was sangdoo)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Update time.. okay i m gonna summarize about the quiz.. Just like every teacher would do after a quiz. that was fun wasnt it? i thought it was.. especially seeing all the answers everyone chose.. MY DOG IS A MINIATURE PINSCHER.. and you guys are prolly gonna say.. HEY THATS NOT ONE OF THE CHOICES.. excuuuse me.. it is.. its a MinPin.. thats a bonus question for whoever hasnt take the test yet.. and for gods sake.. i dont know who is Kon K.. and i m guessing Family K is daddy..
anyway.. that was fun..=) i juz got a quiz back for Algebra.. i got an 88.. which think its not too bad.. BUT the thing that pisses me off is i SHOULD HAVENT HAVE MADE THE MISTAKES I MADE.. omgawd.. i was so SO SO careless.. ee.. geram.. but the good thing is i brought my average in my algebra class to an A.. the ONLY A in the class.. from a 89% to a 93%.. i m really happy about that.. =) and i am proud of myself..
okaaaay.. eric ordered the phone today.. should b e here MONDAY OR TUESDAAAAAY.. CANT WAIT.. alex's birthday tomorrow.. donno wad to give him.. buying presents for guys is soooo so troublesome.. and its such a headache.. and i m feelin rather sleepy now. and its lke 8.56pm.. not working tomorrrow.. prolly gona go makan with family.. and im working all weekend this week.. aint it exciting.. i havent got any pics to post.. will do so when i have time.. i m feelin sleeeppy..
that waas really a short update. but i will update more when i have time.. right now.. LIFES good..=)
NanaBanana is Contented =)
Monday, October 8, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Americans are a weird bunch of ppl... kinda sorta.. they pronounce things funny..
like the word HERB..or name HERB.. its pronounced ERB like hour is pronounced OUR.
and they have never heard of the word.. JUNCTION.. its always turn right at this street. or Make a right at the turn.. never JUNCTION.. weird ey?
Oh.. and the word eraser? you know how we say it like eraZer.. they say it eraSER.. like SER as in SIR..
and they have sooo many southern slangs [yes NC is in the south] like Potato.. its TATER.. or spud? i think..
oh i got my COAT in the mail ytd.. i would say id like it better if it FIT better.. makes me look BIGGER than i actually am if you get what i mean..
and also... i got my 'room' back. Leena's mom and aunt went back to Finland on Thursday. Omgawd.. if Daddy/mommy/family came to US.. i would never want them to go home.. >.<
OH MY GOD! i lost my pencil box.. this time i never found it back.. man was i pissed.. i had a dress fitting for my choir concert apparel and i also had to go to work. so it was kinda RUSHED..
so after i got my dress and everything.. i grabbed my stuff off my chair and started dashing towards the car.
i distinctly remember putting my pencil case in my bag coz i remember seeing a bag of ruffles when i opened my bag.
and NO.. i didnt put nything else in my book bag just in case you think i THOUGHT i put my pencil case..
maybe it dropped in the hallway and some jerk took it and didnt think. ''oh some pretty asian girl must have dropped it.. i should give it back to her'' MORE LIKELY THAT JERK WAS THINKING.. ''SWEEET... STUFF I HAVE NEVER SEEN B4.. AWESOME'' and walked away with my pencil case..
whoever you be.. i ll find you.. if i see ANY of my stuff being used in school for eg. My Faber-Castell Pencil OR my SINGAPORE PENCIL.. you re DEAD MEAT. honestly i will make you wish you had never laid eyes on my pencil case.. I WOULD STAPLE YOUR MOUTH WITH MY M'SIAN STAPLE.. i will STAB YOU WITH MY 2B PENCILS [they use HB here] and i will CUT YOU WITH MY RULER.
they only think i really WANT back from my pencil case is.. my badges.. you all know SANDRA gave em to me.. and some i bought my own.. and it has the prettiest MALAYSIA badge.. its the cuti-cuti Malaysia logo.. and my RULER..the rulers here SUCK.. and my stapler.. all the NORMAL staplers here are so bigg-asss.. and i want my mechanical pencils back.. and i have one bead-covering on one of the wooden pencils there..
if nybody feels like sending my those pasar malam trinkets.. the handphone straps/keychains whatsoever.. you MAY feel inclined to do so.. those are WAY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cuter that the ones i have seen so far.. =)
PS: did you know punchers as in hole-punchers here are so stupid i want to die? the max amount of paper STANDARD 3 HOLE PUNCHERS CAN PUNCH IS 3 FREAKING SHEETS OF PAPER.. and the 3 hole concept is stupid.. i like 2 hole wayyy better
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
it seems like i m bloggin once a week. hm i m sorry.. been bz with school and work.. anyway..
i got asked to the homecoming dance..=) by a GUY.. whos MY AGE.. BLUEK.. hahaha
but i didnt go. i had to work. and i know you guys are gonna you guys are probably wondering why i dint ask off.. too many high schoolers asked for off coz of homecoming.. so i couldnt just ditch them on such short notice..
but all of last week was spirit week..
monday was PAJAMA day... so comfortable.. basically you go to school in your bananas in pajamas PJs.
tuesday was gender bender. dress up like the opposite sex. omg. it was so funny... you know how guys wear their pants so low that their boxers show? haha girls did that.. they wore their pants so low.. and they wore boxers and juz taunted the guys.. but some guys did dress up as girls.. this guy actually wore a french maid costume.. and another wore a sexy lil red dress.. he looked SO much like a girl.. until you came to the legs.. OOO HAIRYYYYY!! hahaa
wednesday was decade day.. you get to dress up from a certain era.. like the 50s 60s was facinating
and thursday was sports day.. JERSEYS galore.. no david becks jersey.. not gonna wear..
and friday was spirit day. was the day ppl wore school colours..which are black blue and white.. and those who wore white shirts painted stuff on it like.. GO WILDCATS [our mascot is the same as high school musical.. exciting aint it.. NOT]
and friday we also had pep rally.. like.. it juz go to the bleachers near the football field and just scream to show who has more spirit.. of COURSE the seniors would win. RIGHT? whatevr.. the juniors were the loudest. AND we won the spirit link (ppl buy like links to link together to form a long chain.. its basically making those little paper links.. like one circle.. and another circle. those kind.. i think it was 5 bux each... OUCH] bbut it was fun.. and i got to see cheerleaders perform.. i recorded it.. have SOME pics.. not much to take.. but i ll probably post the video or smth.. just so mayb smks9 can form a cheerleading squad.. and copy their routine.. (AS IF)
saturday and sunday i spent at kelly's house painting.. she s moving in today into her new house.. so she wanted to get it painted over the weeekend.. so.. i helped her.. with 5 other ppl on saturday and on sunday with 3 others. but i gotta say.. i m a good painter. there was some confusion with the shade of gold they bought though.. the first coat we used old gold 6.. and then we ran out.. so her mom had to get more.. and she got old gold 5.. a tone darker. and then we ran out of that.. and then instead of gettin old gold 5 we got old gold 6. =.= it was really frustrating.. not gettin the right colour.. but it looks really REALLLY pretty now.. i think we did really good.. of course i got paint all over.. being elena and all.. haih.. i got paint on my socks.. did i mention they were white? i thought i could take em off.. but we lined the floor with plastic.. so it stuck to your feet and you couldnt walk properly.. so i put my socks on.. walked easier.. got paint all over.. oh well.. you win some you lose some.. and then i laughed at a joke so hard that i fell backwards into a tray of white paint..=.= typical elena behaviour.. mommys probably gonna scold me and say.. SEE LA.. Monkey..=)
we painted her bedroom a dark burgundy which is kinda like really dark purple-maroonish.. its so prety against the white door and window frames.. but i had fun.. only i had to use nail polish remover to get the stuff off my hands for work.. i spend half an hour in the bathroom tryin to look PRESENTABLE.. it was THAT bad.. thank god for long pants and sleeves.. it would have taken me WAY to long to get the paint off the other parts.. like my legs and arms and shoulders..
but all in all it has been a good week.. i still havent gotten my phone. was supposed to go today.. but eric decided to bail on me. told me to sit down and work the details out with alex.. whatever THAT means.. haih. im kinda disappointed.. i thought i would be sitting here typing this with the gorgeous red thingamajig sitting nxt to me beeping when i get a text.. but NO.. haih.dont noe how long more.. its really stupid .. i want it NOW..
NanaBanana is CRAVING HER MOTOKRZR.. its calling out to me!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Finally! after a LONG struggle.. (who am i kidding[?]) i finally got an A in ALGEBRAA!! and not only an A.. its a A+ and THE HIGHEST IN THE CLASS.. wakakkaa.. i got 101/100.. i SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN 102.. i was carelesss. >.<
ANYWAY.. this weekend i was busy busy.. i worked on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.. on saturday i was juz working some bride's lunch.. with Linda.. omgawd.. ppl at work really love me.. hahaha.. i wasnt feelin well.. and she made me honey and lemon.. and gave me the mug and said go take a rest.. hahaha.. she 'officially' adopted me.. ahahhhaha.. <3
then sunday.. worked lunch at the tavern.. i should serve soon.. MUST.. SHOULD.. really slow day.. i got like 8 to-gos.. and i goofed up on one.. they ordered 5 custom made sandwiches.. and 4 of them were turkey and cheese.. i forgot to key in turkey in the computer.. ahhaha.. Scott came out of the kitchen and was like.. all they want is cheese? i m like.. errr.. turkey? hahaha.. but i DID remember to put roast beef on the last one.. ahhaha.. i was being flustered.. nyway.. Scott gave me a COOOKIEEE.. which i shared with everyone.. it tasted good. =) Scott is nice..
Monday.. OMGAWD MONDAY.. ALLEN TATE FUN DAYY.. for THEM.. honestly its a waste of TIME and MONEY to hire PEOPLE TO COME IN ON OUR DAY OFF TO PICK PLASTIC PLATES OFF THE DINING TABLES WHEN THERE ARE TRASH CANS ALL AROUND THE ROOM.. its SO effing RETARDED.. SO SO STUPID.. omgawd.. they re stupid plastic plates.. and they just need to thrown away.. honestly i think sometimes The POint is SO superficial.. >.<
And we had to wear Polos.. thats fine.. but its also quite dumb to tuck them in.. ESPECIALLY if you re a girl.. do you know how short girls polos are.. and you want us to tuck them in? when we're wearing kinda sorta pants that are high.. omgawd.. stupid.. we had to work hard.. it was a mess.. and we still had to set up for wednesday buffet.. and tuesday lunch. meaning.. clear the WHOLE room of BIG tables.. and set up the usual ones.. a P.A.I.N. I.N. T.H.E. B.U.T.T
we got out at 11.30.. the point has a rule that they wont keep their high-schoolers past 10.00pm.. but legally they CAN keep us till 11.00pm.. but we had so much sh*t to do that they kept us till around 11.20.. yea theres a law that says you cant keep those who are still in high school past 11.00.... kewl! but i had homework to do.. so i stayed up doing math problems till about... hmm.. 11.20? and i was so tired i slept in my work clothes.. I KNOW ITS GROSS.. but i couldnt help it.. i wanted to shower.. but the shower makes a WHISTILING NOISE.. liek it squeals.. kinda sorta.. so you can hear it from downstairs..i dont want to wake the whole household up..
so today we had a history test.. i missed 4.. i dont noe how the teacher is going to count it.. but he said the highest is 97.. PLEASE [even though the math doesnt add up] LET IT BE ME.. I NEED TO MAINTAIN THE ALL As. and so far.. my average in that class is 101.. it needs to STAY IN THE 100s OR AT LEAST THE 95s.. omgawd.. kiasu Malaysian.. its not the kiasu-ism.. its just that the ppl in class annoy me.. so to get back at them is to kick their butt in tests.. ahahha.. whatever.. i m being stupid..
so big news.. i m getting a CELLPHONE.. they dont call it handphones here.. and they dont call SMS .. well.. SMS.. they call it TEXTING.. no msging either.. just TEXT.. *rolls eyes.. nyway..

Oh yea.. Frank's last day this thursday.. HE SAID HE WAS COMING IN ON MONDAY.. liar.. im gonna annihilate him.. with metta.. Lolx.. inside joke.. between the Kons and Buddhists.. ahha.. hey sharing is caring.. so.. lets LEARN
METTA (pali): Loving-Kindness
haha.. nyway.. i m tired..
good nite...
Rotten NanaBanana
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
AHH.. finally.. the long awaited tale.. ahahah
sit back
relax.. and Read the story.. haha
okay.. the story unfolds on the sunday two weeks ago.. when i went to work brunch as usual.. Alex was was working too.. so he took both of us to work.. and i tied my hair in TWO.. so i was walking and JOSH the dishwasher said.. i haven't seen nyone in pigtails for a really long time.. and he made some comment that i dont remember..
Now, i have always thought that pigtails referred to braids.. or plaits.. so i was like.. they re not pig tails.. they re juz hair tied into two pony tails.. and then he asks linda.. and linda says theyre pig tails.. ponytails are when you tie one.. =.=lll
and then they leave.. i m like confused. NEVER in my life have i heard of such things.. and then i ask JJ the chef.. Do pigs in America have two tails? and he goes.. UH huh.. dont you know.. and he says.. Phil [another chef] pigs have two tails right? and Phil goes. heck yea.. and i m like.. wth?? and then Josh chips in and says.. You want me to bring you to farm? All the pigs have two tails! AND I WAS LIKE.. no EFFING WAY.. and then i ask ALEX.. and he goes.. yea.. dont pigs in Malaysia have two tails.. and i said.. NO..THEY DONT!!!
like 30 mins later.. Jake comes back in and says.. we were just messin' with ya.. i m telling you now coz fern isnt going to.. and he goes away laughing.. and i m like JAKE! SH*T!!! and he was like.. you TOTALLY bought it... i m pretty good and he was praising himself.. but honestly the way he said it.. was totally believable.. i mean.. OMGAWD.. he didnt hesitate.. he juz talked.. smooooth.. i m like.. whaaaaaaaaat? although the story is kinda NOT believable the way he told it was like.. okayyyyy.. PLUS FERN... added that little fact about the tomatoes + chicken genes.. which is TOTALLY true btw..
and plus.. everyone knows about it.. they told everybody.. grrr.. stupid pigs and their tails.. i mean i didnt TOTALLY buy it.. [OK Ok I KINDA SORTA DID!] .. and it was believable to me.. kinda.. HEY THIS IS AMERICA.. EVERYTHING HAPPENS HERE.. now i m known as the gullible Asian girl.. first Ken and the David Beckham Incident.. now THIS.. oh goodness.. and fern was having a conversation about gulliblity.. and she was like.. theres gullible written on the ceiling.. and i looked up.. =.=lll ugh... ppl bully ME...
But bottomline is..
NanaBanana Feels Stupid
Ps: it seemed funnier when i wrote it to jie.. is it funny to you ppl?
Monday, September 17, 2007
its honestly starting to cool down in Mooresville now.. omgawd.. i woke up on sunday to go to work.. and i stepped out the door.. WOOOOOOOOOOSH.. a burst of coool air.. omgawd was so cold!! not SO cold.. but i didnt xpect it to be THAAT cool.. i knew it rained like cats and mice and racooons on friday.. but i expected HOT sun and humidity.. i expected wrong.. fall is here!! apparently labour day marks the end of summer.. how can a PUBLIC holiday mark the end of a season.. [?] nyway.. i ve got depressing news...
Omgawd.. my buddy.. my 2nd daddy.. my guardian angel.. my shoulder to cry on.. IS LEAVING.. and i m pissed coz i havent got the chance to talk to him.. my *&%# manager pulled my out of the kitchen.. didnt have the chance to talk.. grr.. apparently.. Frank got a better job at another place in charlotte.. which is where he good for him since it probably pays better.. and its nearer to where his lives.. BUT THAT MEANS.. no more waffles on sundays? no more prime rib sandwiches.. no more calls of
rofl rofll.. lmao!! and linda is in her early 50s i would say.. she's like a motherly figure.. and it was SO FUNNY... the WHOLE kitchen shut up.. and turned to look at me.. It was HILLARIOUS.. hahahaha...but honestly Linda is such a sweetie.. she asked me if she could adopt me.. and she said if she ever had a daughter she hopes that she'd be as sweet as me.. aww I love you Linda..=)
Ps: jie got the letter already.. so the nxt entry will be a FUNNY ONE..and for you guys entertainment.. im prepared to look stupid for you..
Look Out! The Tale of the Two-Tailed Piggie-Wiggies is Coming YOUR way!!
nanabanana OUT!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
i have a funny story to tell.. but i cant tell it.. bcoz i wrote a letter to my sister.. and it was 12 pages long.. and if i tell the story of the two tailed pigs.. i m going to waste my effort of writing the freaking letter.. in fact.. i do not have anything to write.. i mean i DO.. have stuff to blog about.. BUT.. i cant coz of the letter.. so be patient.. a few more days.. like 2 or 3? nyway.. ill think of stuff i CAN blog about..
oh okay.. i got an average of 101 in my world history class.. we have had 2 tests so far.. the full marks was 100 + 8(xtra credit) and 100.. so the average of that should be.. 104 .. and i got 101.. i got 108 for the first test.. and a 94 for the other.. and you know what my history teacher said for the second test? YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU WERE STRUGGLING ON THAT ONE.. i m like.. whoaaa.. i got a 94.. which is an A.. struggling ka? juz coz im a chinese GIRL.. doesnt mean i have to get all correct all the time.. ish.. teachers expect alot from asian ppl.. its like a stereotype.. asians = hardworking +smart + good at math.. lolx.. im not hardworkin or good at math.. i m juz smart.. haha.. but i HAVE been studying.. i juz didnt really study for the second test.. i was kinda tired.. but i still got a 94..
oh and.. i have a dress fitting nxt Thursday.. for.. PROM.. yea right.. hahhaha.. prom is in spring.. nyway.. the dress fitting is for my choir dress.. i get to keep the dress for a whole year or smth like that.. so there ll be a $25 maintenance fee for that.. then i have to buy character shoes.. those dancing shoes.. black.. i think they were 35? and then i have to buy tights/bloomers.. if i join show choir.. which i dont think so.. and i m definitey buying the choir t-shirt.. its so cool.. it had a big QUAVER on it.. and says property of the wagner (my choir teachers name) and i think it says WCVS or smth that stands of the choir thingy.. i m not too sure.. juz think about it..
i m walking and my t-shirt says Lake Norman Choir.. and then some talent scout will probably spot me.. and then he'll ask me to sing for him.. or make a recording for him.. and then i do.. then he signs a contract with me.. and i get to SING.. and i make a chart-topping song.. and belt it out on the radio.. and at concerts.. and juz SING SING SING.. and then i will become FAMOUS.. and everyone will want my autograph.. EVEN DAVID BECKHAM.. when he asks for my autograph.. my purpose of life will have been fulfilled.. HAHAHAHA.. omgawd.. i need to wake up.. haha =)
anyways.. JIE SEND ME A PRESENT COZ I HAD A CRAPPY FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL.. IT WAS A GIGANTIC poster of DAVID BECKHAM.. was black and white.. but he looked soooo shuai XD..
and i also have the best family in the world.. thx for all the support everyone who reads my blog. and i know a LOT of you do.. =)
i need to sleep.. im sleeepy.. need to catch up on sleep.. and stop sleeping in the hour-long bus ride... its so annoying.. >.<>
NanaBanana is going to bed..
Coming soon to the nearest outlet near you!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
okay so wads been going on lately? nothing much..i juz spend nearly the whole daaaaaay organizing my clothes in the laundry baskets.. and i spend time organizing the foodstuff mommy sent meee... YESSSSSSSSS MOMMY SENT ME FOODSTUFF!!!
hahaha.. erm.. i have coconut milk.. rendang paste.. curry paste.. 5 spice powder.. that stuff smell SO GOOD.. reminds me of char chu yok.. NYUMMMYY.. omgawd.. craving wood-ear now.. >.<>
this week in school.. hmm.. not much.. we did pacer runs on thursday.. the night i work SHRIMP NIGHT.. omgawd.. this is what a pacer run is.. you hear a beep.. run from one end to the other.. then wait for the other beep.. then run back to the other side.. the beeps keep gettin faster.. many ppl.. including some guys couldnt complete 50.. i was at 46 and was thinkin of quitting.. but i was like.. NO.. CANNOT QUIT... and i COMPLETED THE STUPID THING.. omfGAWD.. my legs felt like jelly.. and i was feelin GIDDY.. and i still played indoor soccer.. we won both games... =) i was goalie for the first game.. haha.. we won 5-1.. its juz PE.. not hard.. but stupid pacer runs.. my legs hurt the nxt day.. but they re better now.. 7 more weeeks of PE.. and we re DONE.. ugh...
and miss wagner approached me saying that i should join PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE NXT SEMESTER.. usually you have to take 60 min. year long classes.. and she said she rarely made exceptions.. but she will for me.. how COOL IS THAT =) performance ensemble are all the upperclassmen.. if i m not wrong.. =) we ll see.. but right now.. im almost sure i m goin to the bahamas....SMILEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
wow.. my third day in a row i m blogging.. since I am on a bloggin spree.. and i have nothing else to do besides HOMEWORK.. i tag these ppl to BLOG.. and you'd better
1. Soh
2. San
3. Jie
4. Babe
6. Xin
i d say kirr too.. but she blogs alot.. so you 5 ppl.. BLOG.. i dont know ppl who blog here in U.S.. i think most of them use myspace or smth lidat.. who noes.. but i ll find ppl who will eventually.. and LINK them sooner or later.. nyway
today.. i got back my test results for my history and algebra II tests.. im very pleased to announce.. that..
i got a 108/108 in my history class.. the HIGHEST obviously.. =) i didnt study like mad.. i m juz an intense note-taker.. and it was an open note.. the lowest was a 60 something.. which FYI is FAIL.. yeA i noe.. so.. i got 108 for that.. and also.. its much more interesting to learn history in english.. oh yea.. and we re learning what we learnt earlier this year in sejarah ting. 4.. so its basically KINDA SORTA the same but only in english.. i recognise stuff like Mesopotamia... tigris-euphrates.. which is said eyu-fray-tees.. something like that.. its like ZAMAN MESIR PURBA JENG JENG.. EARLY EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION.. JENG JENG.. haha.. nyway.. i got an 87 for algebra.. it was a few questions.. so one careless mistakes carries alot of marks.. so basically i got a few careless mistakes.. like 3? and i got an 87.. which is a freaking B.. its an A1 at home goddammit... hahha..
classes today was a blur again.. PE suxed as usual.. made some a new friend.. she s a freshman.. love her name.. frankie.. =) and then.. had lunch with justin & company.. nice ppl.. theres this guy there in particular.. corey i think his name is.. and he s so funny.. hes a white.. he says.. but a chinese at heart.. he knows alot of chinese too.. he also says.. he was born in china.. smth lidat.. coz his mom apparently gave birth to him on cruise and had to go to china to register.. now where have i heard that b4.. hahaha.. and then theres emily.. her hair s so pretty. its like curly.. and then theres alli.. ASIAN GAL.. MORE SPECIFICALLY.. CHINESE GAL.. WHO SPEAKS CANTONESE.. so cooool.. hahaha birds of a feather.. flock together.. lalalala...
we learnt a song in choral arts class today.. Donna Nobis Pacem.. its Latin for .. Grant Us Thy Peace.. i got that from google.. =) technology works wonders..nyway.. we sang it in a round.. you SHOULD know what a round is.. and it was really pretty.. okay ive got a headache now.. and i should start my homework sooon.. darn math problems.. =)
NanaBanana is Working on Algebra II >>> radicals... what the fish is that?