Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Pianist

Lately I have been having ambitions of being a pianist.

Music has that ability to transcend culture, languages, beliefs. And to be able to unite the divided, that is just an amazing thing in itself.

This may just be a phase but I really have always loved music.

Not so much practicing the piano. Not so much the cold sweat I would get riding up the elevator to my piano teacher's condo. Not so much the sarcastic remarks and the scoldings from the MEAN lady. Not so much the feeling of guilt after not practicing, getting chastised and then getting money from mom to pay the fees. And ultimately, not so much the lack of confidence that my piano teacher had in me, saying that I would never pass my grade 5 music theory exam. Well I sure showed her.

But in a way, her strictness has brought me to where I stand (skill-wise, which isn't very high) and I have to thank her for that. Maybe all the negativity has brought some positivity into my life afterall.

Yesterday, I heard Max telling someone at work that I "play the best piano he's ever heard" Granted he probably hasn't had many people play the piano around him but that just made me feel really good about myself. My friends are constantly telling me that I am a great piano player. I play very well..

Yes I play well. I am a solid piano player. But by no means am I where I would like to be. then again, who is? But I will prevail.

When school starts, countless trips to the UNCW Fisher Student Center! I'll make everyone's ears bleed. I will practice til my fingers are sore, and MAYBE.. just maybe, I'll be able to get to where I want to..

NanaBanana and Pianos. Hmm...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Girl, I'm not hatin' on you

I just read a blogpost that made my insides curl and churn with disgust. If I wasn't wary of my generation before, well.. thanks to this blogpost, I am now.

Basically, the gist of this "post" was about why girls should wear make-up. I'm not saying the existence of make-up should be obliterated. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm actually all for make-up. Just not the kind that this girl wears.

This blogger rants about how 'ugly' girls have an obligation to society(and her apparently.. who does she think she is anyway) to look presentable when they go out. Of course she did not said this so eloquently in her broken Manglish, and my paraphrasing actually makes her sound like she HAS a brain (and a legitimate argument). She also claims that

"So what if they dont have natural good features when they are born, are they suppose to continue looking like shit for the rest of their life and let all beautiful girls take all the advantages( of guys and basically anything in life) and live happily ever after? NO! We should at least make the fullest out of ourselves. Put all our best quality out and hide all our weakness"

I like how she says "we". at least she sedar diri/self-aware. And she says "For all the female hate post, i could only said that you guys are only jeolous because YOU ARE NOT AS F*****G (expletive deleted for young readers) HOT AS THEM AND SECRETLY YOU WANT TO BE LIKE THEM . Dont say you dont want to be hot because that would be aganinst mother nature."

First of all, HONEY, it's 'JEALOUS' not jeo..whatever you spelt it as. I'm sorry but I don't think everyone is so obsessed with looking like a taiwanese-drama-wannabe-actres gone bad. Coz that's what SHE looks like. In my opini0n anyway.

I'm not hatin', I'm just sayin'. Real Talk.

I am a make up user.. And I'm sure 70% of the female population uses make up too. I think make up is great to cover up flaws that you don't want others to see. However, when you use make up to look like something you are not, girl, I think you have some SERIOUS self-esteem issues. I agree that people want to look their best. But as cliche as it sounds, looks aren't everything. Not every one is blessed with beautiful genes, (great another point for you) but if you make do with what you have, and add a little extra to your ordinary, you'll be extraordinary.

Work hard, be kind, don't hate, be happy. Why rely on make up to make you something you are not? Now this is something that really confuses me. WHY USE TINTED CONTACTS THAT MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE AN AVATAR? wait. not an avatar.. AN ALIEN FROM ANOTHER PLANET THAT HASNT BEEN DISCOVERED!?? C'mon you're ASIAN.. how unnatural do you want to look?? fine.. grey is attractive and somewhat mysterious.. BUT GREEN!? GREEN!! REALLY? It's not in our genetics to have GREEN EYES GOSH DARN IT. but then again.. you wouldn't know would you..

Ugh.. I thought the whole purpose of make up was to ENHANCE your beauty.. not make a person look like a mutant-human-imp. But what do I know about ugly, I guess I'm just one of those girls born with exceptional good looks and don't know what "ugly" girls are going through..


One more thing I need to get out. Girl, you are VAIN! There's a picture of you.. wait make that SEVERAL pictures of you in NEARLY EVERY POST. with captions that say "OO i'm hot, I'm Sexyyy" I have no problem with people knowing that they are good looking. BUt it gets old when the person themself says it over and over and OVER again.

Before I go, if anyone who reads my blog (if any lol) want the link to this person's blog, I will give it to you. I'm not going to post a link coz I don't want to start a blog war. I'm not one to tarnish another's reputation. Lastly, I HOPE YOU GROW SOME SELF-ESTEEM.

Like I said earlier, I'm not hatin', I'm just sayin'.

NanaBanana has ran out of rants.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Start of the Season

So the FIFA World Cup 2010 has begun!! And I have decided to re-start my blogging!!

What more can you ask for!! =)

England vs. USA today.. I hate the coverage of football in USA.. it SUCKS.. well given that we don't have ESPN either.. oh well.. Hopefully ABC will have all the key games..

Freshman year went really well.. I miss school a lot.. I miss my girls.. I miss the weather.. And the whole college atmosphere..

Scraped by in Chemistry with a B-. All the rest were As.. My GPA is at a 3.7.. My goal is to bring it up by the end of college..

Summer's here.. spent the whole month of May with mi familia.. Had a great time.. gotta love vacationing with the whole family! =)

And since summer's here and I'm back in mooresville, it can only mean that I'm working at the Point again!! wooots.. make that moolah babyyy..

but imma go read now.. so updates a little later..

NanaBanana <3 England

PS: Becks looks UBER hot in a suit.. not that i didnt know that already

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bonne Voyage!

It is super duper unfair that I spend long hours folding my clothes and pack em nicely.

Guys just throw everything in their suitcases/duffelbags and hope they fit..
I hate being a girl..