Wednesday, June 18, 2008


not like its gonna be any different.. but i wont be blogging for mayb a month or so?

well for one.. ITS SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!

i cant believe its a year i ve been living in the U.S.

a year since i ve last seen my family
a year since i ve seen my friends
a year since i ve last seen my doggg..
a year since i ve last eaten good malaysian foood..

oh well
one more yearrrrrrrrr

but anyway.. starting soon.. i ll be going on vacation to EUROPEEEEEEEEEE

italy.. finland.. stopping by germany paris.. veniceee... thats pretty cool.. if i may say so..

anyway.. ihave to go now

coz my computer decided to have an auto update while i was having breakfast this morning and just deleted my whole 800 word essay thats due this friday..

i hate my life


then i just think of all the food i ll be able to eat..

and im happy again

but anyway.. i have to tackle that damn essay

NanaBanana bids Adieu.. for now