Sunday, October 28, 2007
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Elena Kon
Birth Date: 9th Match1991
Current Status: Singleeee and Independent.. i Dont need a Man!
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown in the States, lighter brown at home.. however you see it..
Righty or Lefty: Righty! DUH!
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Chinese
Your Fears: being asleep and suddenly feel like i cant breathe.. WORMS.. OR CATERPILLARS.. EW.. gross.. being alone in a BIG DARK PLACE.. did i mention ALONE??
Your Weaknesses: when it comes to homework, im as neat as hell... but i am actually kinda messy and disorganized.. MATH is kinda my weakness.. but i m gonna BEAT IT.. oh my weakness.. DAVID BECKHAM and all those on my hot guy list. >,<
Your Perfect Pizza: Omgawd.. DONT EVEN START.. stringy cheese.. OOOZING with tomato sauce.. PINEAPPLES.. peppers.. like green peppers/red peppers.. MUSHROOMS!!! boy.. i dont wanna go on... oh yea.. AND PIPING HOT FROM THE OVEN
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: FIVE MORE MINUTES
Your Bedtime: 11pm+++
Your Most Missed Memory: Hmm.. Japan and just family time with my family and friends time with my friends and dog time with my puppy wuppy smuppy! >.<
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi Or Coke: COKE.. wait a minute.. theres no vanilla coke in US.. damn..
McDonald's or Burger King: Definitely Burger king..
Single or Group Dates: Single..
Adidas or Nike: ADIDASSSSSS.... but i still like nike..
Cappucino or Coffee: No coffee..
Layer Five: Do You......
Smoke: No...i dont like cigarette smoke.. and the SMELL sticks on your clothes..
Curse: OH YEA.. when i m $%^%^&^ pissed
Have a crush: hmm.. yea?
Think you've been in love: OH YEA.. with david beckham..
Go To School: DURHHH.. thats why i m in the states..
Want to get married: hmm.. no idea
Believe in yourself: HECK YEA BABY!!.. i m ELENA.. hear me ROAAAAAAAAAR!!!
Think you're a health freak: DEPENDS.. right now i m tryin to cut down on meat..
Layer Six: In The Past Month......
Have you...
Drank Alcohol: Hmm.. no?
Gone to the Mall: IM TEMPTED TO SAY NO.... and the answer is .. NO.. no mall in freakin mooresville..
Been on Stage: What are YOU talking about.. Limelight is MY sunlight..
Eaten sushi: NO! have i? dont think so.. ughhh.. im literally having cravings right now..
Dyed your hair: Nope.. i have natural streak of lighter hair in my bangs.. its BAWLING!!
Layer Seven: Have you ever......
Played a Stripping Game: Oo boy.. i preserve my self dignity
Changed who you were to fit in: erm.. i think i m changing right now..
Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: not really.. not right now.. defintely not..
For : me to go BACK.. or my FAMILY to come here.. OR see my jie/friends/doggie woggie smoggie woggiee/david beckham..
Layer Nine: In a Guy/Girl
Best Eye + Best hair colour combination: blue eyes.. brown eyes... david beckham's eyes.....
Short or long hair: depends on your face.. if you can pull it off..
Layer Ten: What were you doing
1 Min ago: eating apple pie and rice krispies
1 Hour ago: WORKING laughing my butt off with Monica..
4.5 Hours ago: working.. i know.. get a life right.. Like THE MONEY TOTALLY <3 it
1 Month Ago: what was a month ago.. september? tryin to fit in at school.. eating stuff frank made for me?
1 Year Ago: eating rendang and nasi lemak every saturday.. and goin to pasar malams and watching chinese soap operas and playing maple and studying for pmr and playing with floss and going to school and crushing on david beckham and never thinking i would come to USA.. and going for tuition and enjoying Miss Pek's class, struggling with math and Loving All my Peeps..
Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I Love: Myself, my familiy, my friends, work.. NOTICE THAT 'SCHOOL' IS NOT ON THIS LIST.. oh and i Heart David Beckham
I Feel: sleepy.. and dreading halloween. im too old to dress up..
I Hate: COLD WEATHER.. OLIVES yuccck..
I Miss: HOHO!! this is EASY.. the Malaysian sun, mommy daddy baby floss jie, soh san friends home food.. damn i could go on and on and on..
I Need: TO TONE UP or get my metabolism to start running faster.. GET A 4.0 GPA IN SCHOOL.. TO eat.. get a hair cut
Layer Twelve : Tag Five people
1. Soh
2. Hillary
3. Jie
4. Xin Hua
5.David Beckham..
Ps. im enjoying myself insertin david beckhams name to annoy everyone readin this.. bet you all were ROLLIN your eyes..=)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Uh huh... UH HUH!!
I got my phonee!!
It is so cool!!
I love it so!!
okay STOP... whoooaaa.. giddy.. ahahaa
anyway.. i did get my phonee.. and its pretty.. and its red.. and its shinyyy and i <3 it =)
i would like to tell my phone no. here.. but for safety reasons.. i d rather not.. whoever wants my phone no (goodness knows for what) just email me.. and ask..=)
I got my phone on friday.. the 19th.. it was a good day. and a VERY long wait..
from the date it was ordered..but at last. i have it.. my precioussss ...
its cool.. cept for the ringtones.. not a wide selection..
and they re kinda lame..
but nyway.
im content..
for now.
Picture # 2 Me and my KRZR again
so much for glam pics.. hahaha.. i m a rookie at picture taking as compared to soh san and kikiwiki.. honestly.. lolx..
other than the excting news about my phone.. hmm nothing much..
cept a football (rugby balll) got thrown from across the gym and hit me SMACK IN THE FACE! [actually it sounded more like THUUMP than smack.. just thought you d like to know]
it hurt so bad..
I started crying in front of everyone.
Imagine smks9's hockey field.
Imagine the ball being thrown from one end to the other.
Imagine it hitting poor elena kon's face and smashing her pink glasses against her eyes.
Imagine Elena Kon holding her face and crying.
Painful isnt it.
And if it didnt hurt so bad i was ready to bodyslam the guy who threw it at me.
But he apologized.
And being the big hearted GREEN UNRIPE Banana I am..
I forgive but i DONT FORGET..
Thats Bananas for you.=)
oh and last saturday.
I had no idea i was sposed to work at 9 in the morn.
I was gonna call home so i woke up and brushed my teeth so that mommy doesnt smell my morn breath over the phone.
While i was brushing my teeth..
Leena knocks on the door and says.
"elena your manager called.. Youre sposed to be at work at 9. its 10''
And i m like OH SHI!TTT!!!
BUt the day went pretty good.. hahaha..
I GOT A $20 TIP!!!! Love the green paper.. a lil bit..
and on sunday.. i served 3 tables.. and i got a comment card that said excellent under the friendly and courteous check box. =) SO GOOD.. hahaha
ELENA KON CALLED THEM THE OTHER DAY.. Sandra was like calm.. and soh was like HYPER.. lolx.. yin yang.. a balance of both.. =)
miss you guys loads.. talked a lil bit.. i m willing to spend a few bux once in a while to talk to you guys. =)
other than that.. school s doing fine..
i ve got some pics to post..
not many but i m too lazee to have to edit this post.. its a pain..
you guys make do with what you have..
and whoever says this blog is dead..
NanaBanana Has A New ComPaNioN! Sangdoo Jr (my old samsungs name was sangdoo)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Update time.. okay i m gonna summarize about the quiz.. Just like every teacher would do after a quiz. that was fun wasnt it? i thought it was.. especially seeing all the answers everyone chose.. MY DOG IS A MINIATURE PINSCHER.. and you guys are prolly gonna say.. HEY THATS NOT ONE OF THE CHOICES.. excuuuse me.. it is.. its a MinPin.. thats a bonus question for whoever hasnt take the test yet.. and for gods sake.. i dont know who is Kon K.. and i m guessing Family K is daddy..
anyway.. that was fun..=) i juz got a quiz back for Algebra.. i got an 88.. which think its not too bad.. BUT the thing that pisses me off is i SHOULD HAVENT HAVE MADE THE MISTAKES I MADE.. omgawd.. i was so SO SO careless.. ee.. geram.. but the good thing is i brought my average in my algebra class to an A.. the ONLY A in the class.. from a 89% to a 93%.. i m really happy about that.. =) and i am proud of myself..
okaaaay.. eric ordered the phone today.. should b e here MONDAY OR TUESDAAAAAY.. CANT WAIT.. alex's birthday tomorrow.. donno wad to give him.. buying presents for guys is soooo so troublesome.. and its such a headache.. and i m feelin rather sleepy now. and its lke 8.56pm.. not working tomorrrow.. prolly gona go makan with family.. and im working all weekend this week.. aint it exciting.. i havent got any pics to post.. will do so when i have time.. i m feelin sleeeppy..
that waas really a short update. but i will update more when i have time.. right now.. LIFES good..=)
NanaBanana is Contented =)
Monday, October 8, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Americans are a weird bunch of ppl... kinda sorta.. they pronounce things funny..
like the word HERB..or name HERB.. its pronounced ERB like hour is pronounced OUR.
and they have never heard of the word.. JUNCTION.. its always turn right at this street. or Make a right at the turn.. never JUNCTION.. weird ey?
Oh.. and the word eraser? you know how we say it like eraZer.. they say it eraSER.. like SER as in SIR..
and they have sooo many southern slangs [yes NC is in the south] like Potato.. its TATER.. or spud? i think..
oh i got my COAT in the mail ytd.. i would say id like it better if it FIT better.. makes me look BIGGER than i actually am if you get what i mean..
and also... i got my 'room' back. Leena's mom and aunt went back to Finland on Thursday. Omgawd.. if Daddy/mommy/family came to US.. i would never want them to go home.. >.<
OH MY GOD! i lost my pencil box.. this time i never found it back.. man was i pissed.. i had a dress fitting for my choir concert apparel and i also had to go to work. so it was kinda RUSHED..
so after i got my dress and everything.. i grabbed my stuff off my chair and started dashing towards the car.
i distinctly remember putting my pencil case in my bag coz i remember seeing a bag of ruffles when i opened my bag.
and NO.. i didnt put nything else in my book bag just in case you think i THOUGHT i put my pencil case..
maybe it dropped in the hallway and some jerk took it and didnt think. ''oh some pretty asian girl must have dropped it.. i should give it back to her'' MORE LIKELY THAT JERK WAS THINKING.. ''SWEEET... STUFF I HAVE NEVER SEEN B4.. AWESOME'' and walked away with my pencil case..
whoever you be.. i ll find you.. if i see ANY of my stuff being used in school for eg. My Faber-Castell Pencil OR my SINGAPORE PENCIL.. you re DEAD MEAT. honestly i will make you wish you had never laid eyes on my pencil case.. I WOULD STAPLE YOUR MOUTH WITH MY M'SIAN STAPLE.. i will STAB YOU WITH MY 2B PENCILS [they use HB here] and i will CUT YOU WITH MY RULER.
they only think i really WANT back from my pencil case is.. my badges.. you all know SANDRA gave em to me.. and some i bought my own.. and it has the prettiest MALAYSIA badge.. its the cuti-cuti Malaysia logo.. and my RULER..the rulers here SUCK.. and my stapler.. all the NORMAL staplers here are so bigg-asss.. and i want my mechanical pencils back.. and i have one bead-covering on one of the wooden pencils there..
if nybody feels like sending my those pasar malam trinkets.. the handphone straps/keychains whatsoever.. you MAY feel inclined to do so.. those are WAY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cuter that the ones i have seen so far.. =)
PS: did you know punchers as in hole-punchers here are so stupid i want to die? the max amount of paper STANDARD 3 HOLE PUNCHERS CAN PUNCH IS 3 FREAKING SHEETS OF PAPER.. and the 3 hole concept is stupid.. i like 2 hole wayyy better
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
it seems like i m bloggin once a week. hm i m sorry.. been bz with school and work.. anyway..
i got asked to the homecoming dance..=) by a GUY.. whos MY AGE.. BLUEK.. hahaha
but i didnt go. i had to work. and i know you guys are gonna you guys are probably wondering why i dint ask off.. too many high schoolers asked for off coz of homecoming.. so i couldnt just ditch them on such short notice..
but all of last week was spirit week..
monday was PAJAMA day... so comfortable.. basically you go to school in your bananas in pajamas PJs.
tuesday was gender bender. dress up like the opposite sex. omg. it was so funny... you know how guys wear their pants so low that their boxers show? haha girls did that.. they wore their pants so low.. and they wore boxers and juz taunted the guys.. but some guys did dress up as girls.. this guy actually wore a french maid costume.. and another wore a sexy lil red dress.. he looked SO much like a girl.. until you came to the legs.. OOO HAIRYYYYY!! hahaa
wednesday was decade day.. you get to dress up from a certain era.. like the 50s 60s was facinating
and thursday was sports day.. JERSEYS galore.. no david becks jersey.. not gonna wear..
and friday was spirit day. was the day ppl wore school colours..which are black blue and white.. and those who wore white shirts painted stuff on it like.. GO WILDCATS [our mascot is the same as high school musical.. exciting aint it.. NOT]
and friday we also had pep rally.. like.. it juz go to the bleachers near the football field and just scream to show who has more spirit.. of COURSE the seniors would win. RIGHT? whatevr.. the juniors were the loudest. AND we won the spirit link (ppl buy like links to link together to form a long chain.. its basically making those little paper links.. like one circle.. and another circle. those kind.. i think it was 5 bux each... OUCH] bbut it was fun.. and i got to see cheerleaders perform.. i recorded it.. have SOME pics.. not much to take.. but i ll probably post the video or smth.. just so mayb smks9 can form a cheerleading squad.. and copy their routine.. (AS IF)
saturday and sunday i spent at kelly's house painting.. she s moving in today into her new house.. so she wanted to get it painted over the weeekend.. so.. i helped her.. with 5 other ppl on saturday and on sunday with 3 others. but i gotta say.. i m a good painter. there was some confusion with the shade of gold they bought though.. the first coat we used old gold 6.. and then we ran out.. so her mom had to get more.. and she got old gold 5.. a tone darker. and then we ran out of that.. and then instead of gettin old gold 5 we got old gold 6. =.= it was really frustrating.. not gettin the right colour.. but it looks really REALLLY pretty now.. i think we did really good.. of course i got paint all over.. being elena and all.. haih.. i got paint on my socks.. did i mention they were white? i thought i could take em off.. but we lined the floor with plastic.. so it stuck to your feet and you couldnt walk properly.. so i put my socks on.. walked easier.. got paint all over.. oh well.. you win some you lose some.. and then i laughed at a joke so hard that i fell backwards into a tray of white paint..=.= typical elena behaviour.. mommys probably gonna scold me and say.. SEE LA.. Monkey..=)
we painted her bedroom a dark burgundy which is kinda like really dark purple-maroonish.. its so prety against the white door and window frames.. but i had fun.. only i had to use nail polish remover to get the stuff off my hands for work.. i spend half an hour in the bathroom tryin to look PRESENTABLE.. it was THAT bad.. thank god for long pants and sleeves.. it would have taken me WAY to long to get the paint off the other parts.. like my legs and arms and shoulders..
but all in all it has been a good week.. i still havent gotten my phone. was supposed to go today.. but eric decided to bail on me. told me to sit down and work the details out with alex.. whatever THAT means.. haih. im kinda disappointed.. i thought i would be sitting here typing this with the gorgeous red thingamajig sitting nxt to me beeping when i get a text.. but NO.. haih.dont noe how long more.. its really stupid .. i want it NOW..
NanaBanana is CRAVING HER MOTOKRZR.. its calling out to me!